Establishing Child Custody Schedules Following a Divorce
It’s important to establish a clear child custody schedule, even if you’re divorced. The more specific you can be with your plan, the better, as it will eliminate any grey areas and confusion between the divorcing parents. It should also allow for flexibility in the event of emergencies or changes in the child’s lifestyle. The following are some tips for establishing an accurate child custody schedule. These guidelines should help you create a plan that works for you and your children.
Ideally, your child will spend at least five days with each parent, but it can also vary. For example, if the two parents have different work schedules, they may be able to agree to a 70/30 schedule in which the child lives with both parents for two weeks. This schedule means that the child spends two nights with each parent during the week, and five days with the other parent during the weekends. Because this schedule allows for frequent exchanges, it is often preferred by parents with non-traditional work schedules and children under school age. It is important to seek the help of a qualified child custody attorney serving San Diego.
A child custody schedule is based on the best interests of the child, and a judge will consider a child’s wishes, age and maturity to come up with an optimal schedule. It is best for the child’s mental and physical well-being to be considered when determining the schedule. A judge should be willing to consider any changes made by the parties in order to reach a fair agreement.
The most popular child custody schedules alternate between the parents for two days and five days every week. This means that Parent A will have the child every Sunday and Monday, and Parent B will have the child on Tuesday and Thursday. This schedule is also a good one for families who have many activities and events throughout the week.
Another popular child custody schedule is the 2-2-3 child custody schedule. This schedule allows the child to spend time with both parents on two or three days a week. While this schedule seems complex, it is actually very simple and can be implemented with little effort. It also allows the child to spend time at both homes in the middle of the week.
For parents who live far apart but are eager to be involved and provide a good lifestyle for their children, this child custody schedule works well. In this schedule, the non-custodial parent receives two overnight visits per week and the non-custodial parent receives 30% of the visitation time.
Whether you’re considering a residential or shared custody schedule for your child, you need to consider your child’s needs and preferences. This type of custody schedule will give your child equal time with both parents, but it can be difficult for some children and parents. If you’re not sure what type of schedule is best for your child, you can consult a therapist and make the best decision for your child’s needs.
It’s important to remember that a 50/50 shared custody schedule is not guaranteed in San Diego. A court will have to look at various factors, including the child’s age, physical and mental health, and social and psychological evaluation. The court will also have to find a compelling reason to grant a 50/50 shared custody schedule. Even if both parents agree, this shared custody schedule is not guaranteed, so it’s important to make sure that you and your child’s best interests are put first.